About the Work & Mission

I strive to uplift creatives, organizations, and individuals of all types and backgrounds to support them in their creative practices and passions. Whether this is through art, design, cuisine, agriculture, wellness, journalism, writing, fashion, or more – I view the spectrum of creativity as an expansive world and wish to assist anyone with the resources they may need to pursue whatever that passion may be. Accessibility to the creative practice for those who create, as well as accessing the work made by these individuals is my focus. I am a firm believer that creativity in all forms betters our communities and the world around us.

The essence of my artwork is to preserve a moment, however fleeting. It is an attempt to hold still these feelings, to preserve an impression of time, and to remember the past by attempting to keep those often quiet moments alive. It is my hope to look back at my artwork and think, “I remember this day, this month, this year” - and not lose those seemingly mundane memories in the fog of time. I strive to preserve the past, to learn from it, and to progress forward. Everything is part of an ever-evolving and growing practice that I learn from every day, where mistakes and successes are regarded equally.

About Emma

Emma Huneck is a Manhattan-based artist, curator, executive director, project, programs and operations manager, and creative consultant. Originally from Upstate New York, her artwork has been exhibited across New York State and can be found in permanent & private collections across North America and Europe.

Currently, Emma works as Senior Program Manager at AAMC Foundation. Previously, she worked as Executive Director at The Sketchbook Project & Brooklyn Art Library, as well as Exhibitions and Membership Director at Saratoga Arts. In her free time, Emma is an avid traveler, obsessive reader, plant-lover and cooking enthusiast; she has spent extensive time working on organic farms in both New Zealand and Italy. She is on a mission to uplift and assist creatives of all forms with the resources they need to support their passions.

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